Ross Valley CrossFit’s Nutrition Challenge Portal

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This Portal has EVERYTHING you need to succeed in RVC’s Nutrition Challenge: videos, articles, recipes, and more!

Check it out NOW, and check it out OFTEN!

Super excited to dial in our nutrition and training for 6 focused weeks of intentional eating! That’s REALLY what a nutrition challenge should be: intentional, conscious, mindful.

It’s NOT about losing weight, although participants who stick to their nutrition category lose an average of 7 pounds of fat. It’s not about gaining muscle, although the dedicated folks gain an average of 3 pounds muscle!

It’s really more about creating and deepening our relationship with our bodies, and learning how they respond to change. If we can teach you how to affect your physiology in a positive way, resulting in a healthier body, mind & spirit, you’ll be empowered in the future to make the necessary shifts on your own, when you feel so inclined.

So…how to do that?

1st: Commit to a minimum of 3 CrossFit training sessions per week; more if your body & schedule allow. We also recommend attending yoga on Tuesday evenings at 6:45 pm, to give your body a great stretch sesh!

2nd: Commit to your Nutrition Challenge category. 

We offer 6 categories BUT remember that the best nutrition plan is the one you can stick to. While this IS a challenge, you need to commit to a plan that isn’t prohibitive to success. For example, if you’re juggling a lot of extra responsibilities that already have you scrambling to keep up with your obligations, picking a Challenge category that requires weighing and measuring of food isn’t likely to be sustainable, but maybe sticking to a Paleo nutrition protocol is.

3rd: Use The Buddy System!

Pick your Challenge Buddy, and start supporting each other by swapping recipes, tips, tricks, and dark humor when you find your resolve running low:-) But seriously, having accountability makes a HUGE difference; if they start to lose their drive, you can help motivate them to get back on track, and vice versa! Plus, the 2 teams with the most “points” at the end of the Challenge, win some juicy prizes! Team works makes the dream work! And don’t forget about the Nutrition Challenge WhatsApp channel, which you’ll be added to shortly!

4th: Track Your Progress!

  • Track your workouts, including all relevant details, in your SugarWOD app!

  • Track your nutrition on the Accountability Board you’ll find at the back of the gym, as well as on your personal tracking sheet; gives yourself as many points as you earn each day, and watch the week stack up! Tracking your wins has a compounding effect!

  • Track you food, if applicable.

Now let’s dive into the Nutrition Challenge Categories!!!

In the videos below, Coach Nick discusses all the Nutrition Challenge categories:

  • Drop the Junk
  • Paleo
  • Zone
  • MACROs
  • Paleo/Zone
  • MACRO Timing.

You’ll also find MASSIVE pdfs on Paleo eating, including a 6-week menu, complete with shopping lists and recipes!!

Further, the Zone is covered in yet another article, courtesy of our friends at CrossFit HQ; you’ll even find a huge Zone portioning list, outlining the block counts for a ton of foods, as well as easy, delicious menus for quick Paleo snacks and meals. And the list goes on.

In short, there’s a ton of information here. The sooner you dive into it, the better!  We recommend that you start exploring the options NOW, so that when you complete your 1st Accubody scan, you can discuss your ideas with your Coach.

Your RVC Coaches are ready to answer any questions, so give us a shout!

Cheat Sheet for Nutrition Category Selection:

  • Weighing, measuring & portioning food is worth the effort, and will yield AMAZING results; if you’re shooting for a significant change in body composition and can commit to consistency, we highly recommend MACROS or Zone regimens. (Don’t forget: you MUST have an Accubody scan & the My Fitness Pal app!)
  • MACROS offers a flexible method of calorie control. If you want to play the weighing & measuring game, but it’s your first time, MACROS might be the best place to start.
  • If you are willing to do anything necessary to reach a specific goal, then Zone it all the way, baby! The Zone, while requiring portioning of every meal, is a stellar regimen for significant body composition changes, in addition to teaching good portioning habits.
  • If you want big change, but can’t commit to weighing & measuring, then hit Paleo for awesome results, especially if you’ve never omitted dairy, grains & legumes before. You’ll note a decrease in bloat within days!

Regardless of what category you choose, making any change to your current eating routine WILL offer positive results. And remember that we’re challenging ourselves for only 6 short weeks; YOU CAN DO THIS!

Your RVC Coaches stand ready to support your success, so reach out to them ANYTIME with your questions; they KNOW their stuff and are ready to help you reach YOUR goals!

Congratulations in advance!

Love, Your RVC Coaching Crew

P.S. You’ll find a TON of articles, recipes, etc as links BELOW the videos……


Keep in mind, no matter what nutrition plan you undertake for your Nutrition Challenge, there is only one way to make sure it works! It starts with consistency, then total calories in/out, what those calories are made of (% carb/fat/protein), and lastly how you time them. See the hierarchy of nutrition to the right….

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